Mumia Urges No vote on Pacifica Referendum

The people responsible for shutting WBAI down for more than a month in October 2019 are back with a second referendum attempt. (The first one was voted down) As WBAI and Pacifica face the new attempt at removing community control of governance at WBAI & Pacifica, political prisoner and journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal tells us which side of this debate he is on. Click on the play button to hear it.

11:59pm April 7th is the deadline for becoming a member eligible to vote in the referendum on Pacifica’s future to be held this summer. To be eligible to vote “NO” in the referendum you need to register HERE. If you renew now, you’ll also be eligible to vote in the late summer-early fall Local Board elections.

Be sure to ask other members of your household to become a member too. Each additional membership costs another $25. Anyone 16 or older is eligible. Immigrants can become voting members too according to our by-laws. If you buy a membership for a household member, be sure to give their full name and correct email because both the receipt and your ballot will come there. Put the extra name and email address(s) in the Comment box.

For more about the referendum seeking to destroy community input into Pacifica, visit